
and it came like a call from the Lord.

Wowzers. It's been quite some time since I've written. I hope you accept my apology. I can tell you why though:

Everything has sped up. It feels like my life was going slowly, at a stroll (which was annoying, somewhat). And now, it feels like I've just hit a dead sprint. And I'm running, running, running. 

Currently, I'm sitting at Sneaky Beans. I'm supposed to be studying for my economics test tomorrow, but as you can see... well... that just didn't work out so well.

I started back to school with all these plans to make it go by quickly: 1. positive attitude 2. talk to people 3. get a job. So far, all 3 of those have failed. Haha, shows how well my planning is. And once I stopped and looked around, trying to regroup and see where my plans took me, I realized I got nowhere. I accomplished nothing I wanted to. However, God has pulled me somewhere else entirely. His plans are always so much better than mine.

I left my slow stroll for a sprint when (pause. I just realized there's a camera in this room. This shouldn't surprise me but it actually freaks me out a little bit. continuing on) I started meeting all my new fellow classmates from Belmont. And they're a group of winners, for sure. I've talked to a handful of them and they're full of lovely and talented folks. I realized recently how much of an experience college is going to be with all these people. One new noteworthy pal is Anneke. Nice name, right? I think so, too. Her and I are rather similar, and it's refreshing coming from a high school where no one is like me. I've known her for less than a week, but I can just tell - we're two peas in a pod.
Another one for note is Kadileigh. Another great name, don't'cha think? She reads the same books as me! She's seen our favorite author (Donald Miller: the man, the myth, the legend) speak more than once! That just blows my mind. She's super. Her and I are just destined to be friends.

So, God has opened a door this new year. I've got a little less than a semester left. I can do this.... right? I sure hope so. It doesn't seem like it a lot of the time. 
And here we are again…
Uncertainty piled on uncertainty; only to find that there is certainty and solidity underneath. God leads, this I know; and prayers have been heard and answered and I am oh so thankful for the confirmations. 

I've seen a lot of blog posts lately about new years resolutions. Here's my two cents worth. I do have a few new years resolutions... but the basis of all of them is to love. 
Food for thought:
Love is, as far as I can tell, the most mature response to any situation - the pinnacle of what it means to be truly human. Love is a wrench in the wheels of cause and effect, of reactionary living, of casual imitation. Yes, speed and events are all around us in the information age, but motion, true motion, is rare. Love is the movement.
- Jon Foreman

If you like good music, listen here. I honestly have listened to this song on repeat for 2 hours straight now. 


  1. "Uncertainty piled on uncertainty; only to find that there is certainty and solidity underneath"

    That's beautiful, MP.

  2. So so happy to hear you have new, interestingly-named friends! I miss you!
