
the wallpaper

Part identical dropping petals and branching stems
from the gaudy floral
Their dots and dashes in congruency
Creating a cohesive mass to drown in
I tip-toe, stretch and
play the game of Operation
but the buzzer sounds and like a piece of flypaper I stick
and they stick back
I’m redrawn into organized layers
of chevron and hound’s-tooth
polka dot rubber to my knees
pin-stripped wax fabric covering my arms
my canvas is covered into a mixture of patterns
that stifle and I just want to be solid.
Like the crop fields of continuous brown or green.
Undisrupted by the interplay of other colors
I prefer to be siphoned by mole holes and
crow's nests
I prefer to be a part, not the whole pattern
Only ravaged by rays of sunlight that bring depth and life to the countryside
Instead of the chaos of order that plagues the rest of this

Tapestry of mess.

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