This is one of those posts where I very quickly tell you some things that I wouldn't normally mention on this blog because it's news. And I don't usually tell you folks news about my life because I don't believe anyone actually reads this; it's just for my own use. So technically this is bootleg information about Palmer Durham, you lucky duck.
Palmer is going to study at St. Andrew's in Scotland in the Fall so she's going to be gone for a little while.
Palmer goes to either JJ's (her favorite coffee shop), Whole Foods, or both every single day. She wonders if this is pathetic.
Palmer lives in a new house with two friends who are kind to her.
Palmer has a newfound love of gardening and tea.
Palmer is also going to the Holy Land in May.
2013 means many different countries for Palmer and she's happy about that.
Palmer is learning to love people who are way different than her.
Palmer is struggling to find a church.
Palmer reads books for class every day so she won't fall behind.
Sometimes studying all the time makes Palmer lonely.
Palmer saw Les Mis 3 times in a week.
Palmer doesn't know why this is in third person.
Love you!