
red piercing circumnavigation

recollection                                                                                                                        repetition
                                                one in the same

one backward
drenched in ghost silk
a floral pattern of childhood
                                                                                                                        the other the nerves
                                                                                                            the stretch or known as the
                                                                                                                        coming into

                                    the night of sirens
the sweetest darkness                                                                                   
causes the retranslation                                                                       
                                                                                                                        the sound
                                                                                                            plagues the inky filter
                                                                                                            catches you up in the round

                        the machinery circumnavigates
the latter feeds the former through the frosted fluorescent spots in winter blackness


Hillsboro Road

A fire truck pounding like a steam engine through the rain on a narrow city street
No breaths or wavering
But the movement sends shudders and makes gutters
Of water pulsing into rivers following the flashing truck
Like it’s also rushing to aid
Or save
Like the water from a rock when struck
Or a side when speared
In a similar way,
Dark eyelashes splayed against a fair face in white morning light
Show the same complexity
The same unwavering of pursued
goodness like the rushing truck
But in unending softness

For the unnamed broken
For me


It’ll stop you in your tracks


The causation equals likely to

Dry mouth
Like a mausoleum
Containing frozen words that bite
Metallic but quickly dissolve to dust
As the interior folds in on itself
The space
Getting smaller and smaller
due to articles
an infrastructure
of a certain fragile fiber of the foil

The master sifter with his sieve
Collects the almost implosive particles
Trying to hide and disguise and
Tell of the reverse that’s already been won